Thursday, December 22, 2011

Energy Management Saving Energy For The Holidays

Before leaving for any extended period, please:

1. Shut down desktop and laptop computers unless instructed otherwise by IT or administrative staff. If your computer, speakers, phone charger, etc., are all on one power strip, turn off the power strip after shutting down your computer.

2. Unplug nonessential equipment such as copiers, fax machines, printers, scanners, and chargers. Most equipment draws electricity even when turned off.

3. Unplug all appliances, including coffee makers, microwaves, televisions, and radios. Like office equipment, many appliances use electricity even when turned off.

4. Turn off office lights and as much public lighting as possible in hallways, bathrooms, break rooms, and conference rooms.

5. Check windows to make sure they are tightly closed and locked.

6. Check faucets in bathrooms and break rooms to make sure they are completely turned off and not dripping.

8.  Adjust thermostats to 65 degress or less.

7. If you work in a lab with variable air volume fume hoods, shut the sash completely (just as you should any time the hood is not in use).

8. Call in any leaks or maintenance issues to your Facilities Services team (962-3456 or

These tips will help keep your building safe and energy-efficient over the holidays.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Energy Management!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

UNC Energy Management Breaks $10,000,000

UNC Energy Management surpassed the $10,000,000 mark in avoided cost this month. The savings is from the ECM program that the group started in July 2009.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the new academic year at Carolina! Energy Management encourages new and returning students to learn about ways they can save energy and reduce their carbon footprint. This blog is a resource for you to learn simple energy saving ideas and what the university is doing to promote energy efficiency and a cleaner energy future. If you have questions that are not addressed here, feel free to email us at

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Energy Management Shower Timers

Energy Management just received shower timers from Big Guy Little Guy Promotions that RESPC helped us purchase for the EPA Energy Star Building competition.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

UNC at Chapel Hill buildings to Compete in the 2011 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition

(Chapel Hill, NC) Carmichael Arena, ITS Manning, Kenan Residence Hall, and Kerr Hall, owned/managed by University of North Carolina have been selected to participate in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA's) ENERGY STAR National Building Competition: Battle of the Buildings to help improve the energy efficiency of commercial buildings and protect the environment. In the spirit of popular weight-loss competitions, Carmichael Arena, ITS Manning, Kenan Residence Hall, and Kerr Hall will battle it out against hundreds of other teams from buildings across the country to work off the waste through improvements in energy efficiency with help from EPA’s ENERGY STAR program.

”We want to make significant and sustainable improvements in how we occupy, maintain and operate our buildings on campus,” said Chris M. Martin Jr., director of UNC Energy Management.

The 2011 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition includes 245 teams from 26 different types of commercial buildings - such as retail stores, schools, hotels, and museums - that hail from 33 states and the District of Columbia. Eleven buildings are 100 years old or greater, the smallest building is just over 6,000 square feet, and fifteen buildings cover more than 1 million square feet of floor space with the largest totaling nearly 3 million square feet.

As the 2011 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition spokesperson, actor John Corbett will provide energy saving tips and encouragement through videos posted on the competition website. The 2011 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition spokesperson is provided by jcpenney, EPA's co-sponsor for these events. The competition website will also feature a flash media wall with photos of all of the competitors, a live Twitter feed, and a Competitor Forum for exchanging ideas and strategies.

“Buildings of all shapes and sizes are saving money and energy with help from EPA and ENERGY STAR,” said Jean Lupinacci, Director of EPA’s ENERGY STAR Commercial Buildings Program. “We applaud the contestants of EPA’s ENERGY STAR National Building Competition for taking action to protect the environment and save energy in the buildings where we work, play and learn.”

Competitors will measure and track their building's monthly energy consumption using EPA's ENERGY STAR online energy tracking tool, Portfolio Manager; make improvements to their building's energy performance; and share their progress. Of the initial pool of 245 competitors, a small group of buildings will be selected as finalists in July. Among the finalists, the building that demonstrates the greatest percentage-based reduction in energy use intensity will be recognized as the winner on November 2, 2011.

According to EPA, energy use in commercial buildings accounts for nearly 20 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and energy use at a cost of more than $100 billion per year. On average, 30% of the energy used in commercial buildings is wasted. Thousands of businesses and organizations work with EPA’s ENERGY STAR program and are saving billions of dollars and preventing millions of tons of greenhouse gas emissions from entering our atmosphere each year.

UNC Energy Management Web site:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The EPA National Building Competition Launches on Monday!

Last year, UNC's Morrison Residence Hall won the first EPA National Building Competition for energy conservation by reducing its energy consumption by 36%. Check back here for updates about  this year's contest. Watch the following video from the EPA to learn more:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Energy, Climate Change, and the University

The Climate Problem
Climate change is one of the most significant challenges of our time. Projected impacts include sea level rise, increasingly severe storms, floods, and droughts, changes in agricultural patterns, changes in species ranges and migration of tropical pests poleward, increased average temperatures, ocean acidification, and poorer air quality. Modern civilization is causing climate change by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. This releases greenhouse gases, which trap infrared rays in the lower atmosphere, raising surface temperatures.
The Role of Energy Management
Energy efficiency measures and behavioral changes can significantly reduce the amount of energy we consume without compromising quality of life. For example, last year an Energy Management-led team won a national championship in the first EPA National Building Competition for reducing energy consumption at Morrison Residence Hall by 36% in one year! Morrison was part of a university-wide energy conservation program that saved more than $4 million in utility costs in its first year.

Last year, an Energy Management-led team won a national championship in the first EPA National Building Competition for reducing energy consumption at Morrison Residence Hall by 36% in one year! Morrison was part of a university-wide energy conservation program that saved more than $4 million in its first year.
Student Involvement
There are many opportunities for students to become involved. Browse the energy conservation tips on this blog or check out the Energy Management website. Join one of the many environmental student groups. Attend relevant workshops, conferences, and guest lectures on campus. Apply for a DELTA energy internship through the Institute for the Environment. Explore the energy-related courses across UNC departments (see the list in the sidebar for ideas).