Wednesday, January 18, 2012

$11.4 million mark has been surpassed!

Energy savings for the month of December as a result of the Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) program were a whopping $562,897, bringing our total savings since the ECM program was started to $11,403,191!

Congratulations to the ECM program for this amazing energy efficiency success, and to all of you for your tax dollars being spent more wisely!

The ECM program is ongoing and will continue to save UNC and North Carolina money by putting building lights and thermostats on timers, among other efficiency measures. These simple and often unnoticeable measures have resulted in a reduction of energy use of 24.5% to date, an incredible achievement.

Need Help or Have Suggestions? For temporary modifications to building schedules, the building manager should call the Energy Management Control Systems team at 962-0400 or email

As always, if you have questions, know of problems, such as windows that won’t close, lights left on, broken thermostats, etc., or if you have ideas that could help improve campus energy efficiency, please contact us at